Greetings and welcome to the
Wirn internet radio network!
What is this?


My name is David and it's nice to meet you

I am a systems administrator / computer programmer and part-time permaculturalist living near Richmond, Virgnia with my wonderful wife Sarah and our two children, one dog and plenty of plants

I am the primary net control for the Winlink Wednesday weekly radio mail net, lead the KC4TS VE Team, volunteer with VDEM ARCA, and like to take pictures of flowers & towers



I got into community/wireless-internet early on in the year 2000 and spent much of my youth in the world of "WiFi Internet"

I received my General class Amateur Radio license in April 2018, callsign KN4LQN, and upgraded to Amateur Extra in November 2018

Currently exploring Packet & Winlink and other digital modes using a Kenwood dual-data port setup, and am an active EmComm practicer



Kenwood TS-480HX feeding a G5RV doublet at about 50' up, for Ardop and Vara HF

Kenwood TM-D710GA on a ELK LPDA, for Packet and voice

Icom ID-880H on a ELK LPDA, for Vara FM

Icom IC-706MKIIG on a Hustler 6BTV, for BPQ Vara HF backbone to DEPN/EastNet

Icom IC-7100 on an N9TAX and CHA F-Loop-2, for portable HF/VHF

Icom IC-7100 on a CHA MPAS-2, for portable HF/VHF mostly POTA

Kenwood TH-D74A, Yaesu FT-70D, Baofeng 997S, for portable VHF






Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES)


I am an active member of and Emergency Coordinator for the Chesterfield County ARES team, the Central VA Packet Sysadmin for the Virginia Digital Emergency Network (VDEN), and am looking forward to exploring the local area and furthering my emergency communications skills in 2023

Chesterfield County ARES Net
Tuesdays at 9p
147.360 KA4CBB

Virginia EmComm
Public Facebook Group
Google Groups Mailing List

Winlink Wednesday
Every Wednesday all day
KN4LQN-10 RMS gateway, AX.25 1200bd packet on 145.730/145.090, Vara FM WIDE on 145.090
KN4LQN RMS ARDOP and VARA on 3592 (center) kHz USB

Automated Packet Reporting System (APRS)

Now you can literally follow me! Send a message and say hi!

Kenwood TH-D74 for portable

Kenwood TH-D74 for ARISS/satellite

Kenwood TM-D710G for mobile

RMS Packet Winlink gateway




July '19

Chasing the 13 Colonies with Bill N4WLC and Judi N4JDI


Jan '19

CQ Santa and first QSO of 2019 with Bill N4WLC


May '18

View of the sky above the Clover Hill shack featuring the weathervane-shaped antenna

"She's a pain to load but radiates like a star!"